Saturday, July 21, 2018

BE Resort Browser Game

I have been working on a browser based Breast Expansion game.  To play, download the attached ZIP and open the index.html file.

It is a work in progress.  If you decide to play it, let me know what you think.


  1. Um, what are we suppose to do. Nothing happens. I can watch as there happiness goes up, and after two months in game nothing happens but debt.

    Can't research, can't remove customers, confused.
    I know it's a work in progress, but no offense it has a long way to go.

  2. There's no tutorial, so it is probably pretty confusing.

    Try using Expandofirm to start the lactation process and maintain nearly full breast milk while reapplying the drug daily.

    The drug's effectiveness diminishes overtime, so reapplying it early means greater gains for less cost efficiency. Full or nearly full breasts will force some expansion as well.

    Each customer has a desired size they want, once they reach that size they will leave your resort and payout money. It should not take more than 4-5 days per customer if you are taking advantage of both the drugs and the overfill expansion.

    I will work on a tutorial next. Thank you for your input!

  3. Yeah I'm a wee bit confused on what I should be doing, but a good layout so far and I can tell you put a lot of work into this. Have you ever checked out ?
    It's probably got some examples and good forum posts for people making their first games.

  4. If it stays the same I would add Chem buttons next to each character to avoid scrolling as much.

    But just an Idea would be to change the premace on the game to rather then reach a size and leave but rather have the PC try to grow them as much as possible while they stay. Add incentives for free stays so seven turns into eight. Free LuciousCream IceCream after dinner and the like. Decorations and advertisements make them want larger breasts or notice thier growth less.

    Getting a Pool and adding chems to the water, food, and drinks. Mainly just getting the ideas out of my head.

    1. Great ideas!

      I'll look at factoring propaganda into the game as a mechanic that increases desired sizes.

      I'll also add a Resort upgrade for a pool, and a research upgrade that enables passive growth for having the pool active.

      The idea of having customers stay for a set period of time and maximizing their growth was a planned feature I did not implement yet. "Day Limit" contract I call it. With bigger payouts for more growth. The idea of a propaganda system feeds into this nicely. Maybe Day Limit contracts won't show up until Desired Sizes exceed maximum possible growth for the generation, indicating to the player it might be time to advance to the next generation.

      The food idea bleeds into the same concept as the pool. Passive bonuses to growth for having certain upgrades active.

      Balance wise, I realize that overfilling to effective compared to Expandofirm. I am looking at factoring the overfill growth into Expandofirm so that the drug must be active to reap the overfilled growth bonus.

      Thank you for the feedback. It provides motivation to keep working on it.
